Where am I taking Wynter Wants My Food?

Today, I wanted to better explain why I decided to start this blog. There’s several reasons that led up to it, and I think getting them written down and out there will help me feel as if things are moving in a positive direction!

This is still more of a dream than a plan, but I would love for this adventure to eventually progress to a brick and mortar store that would stock a wide selection of cat products.

I have already started a Wynter Wants My Food Facebook page, and even though it doesn’t get a lot of traffic, I still have hopes for gaining traction.

Most important to my heart though, is that a big passion of mine is education about the well being of housecats. Many people are not aware that they are taking sub par care of their companions, and I want to change this.

I go into more detail about these below!


A Cats Only Store

I don’t want to go into too much detail about this yet, because this is huge and years down the road. However, I believe that a more specific store is necessary to help spread the word. I would hardly be surprised to learn this is not a new or unique idea!

Facebook Page

Again, the WWMF Facebook page hasn’t quite gotten off the ground yet, much like this blog at the moment. However, my determination to get more people following and willingness to learn will hopefully soon change that!

Besides, that simple silly page gave me a good jumping off point. I have MDD, and getting started on ambitious projects such as this is incredibly difficult when I don’t know where to start. Luckily, by the time I got inspired to start a blog and begin pursuing a bigger purpose beyond myself and my cat, I already had a cat related thing going. It just made things that much easier for me!

Education About Cats

When I moved out of my parents house and brought Wynter to our new home, she had been living strictly outdoors for years. I received her as a gift when I was a teenager, and I wasn’t aware that taking GOOD care of a cat isn’t simple.

I was born in the year 1992. I grew up with a landline, cable, and our first computer was a beast. The only thing I ever did on it was play pinball. That said, I can’t believe how long it’s taken even me, a girl who’s had a cell phone since the age of 13, to realize how easy it is these days to research any topic that suits my fancy. Cats, for example. Tons of information is at our fingertips now… So why aren’t people taking advantage of that?

I think the reason why many people will simply get a cat (and what all they think it needs at the store) is because that’s what we have been doing all along. Cats live for many years with the way people have been caring for them. So what is the problem with providing the cheapest food in a huge bowl that’s left available all day? What is the problem with not providing your cat the spaces it craves, behind the couch or up high? What is the problem with just putting a bowl of water on the ground and ignoring it until it’s nearly empty?

If you are choosing to have any animal to be a part of your life, that animal deserves to thrive, not just survive. That animal deserves to be happy with what it’s life has to offer, and you are responsible for what those offerings may be.

Bringing it all together

So, I started this blog to help build a bigger community along with my Facebook page, to help educate others about cats, and maybe one day I might be able to open a store!

What particular quirk do you love about your cat? Mine is that Wynter gets excited about food and wants to sniff it, even if it’s something she wouldn’t want to even try to eat. Share about your cat below in the comments!

Would you like to see more of Wynter and friends, or interact with us and her fans? Follow the Wynter Wants My Food Facebook page, and here’s my Pinterest! Where you can find the Wynter Wants My Food board that has all kinds of information, inspiration, tutorials and recipes for cats!


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